Events and Outings
Sadly thanks to the Sars-Covid pandemic all thoughts of events and outings have necessarily been put on hold for the duration.
There are plans however to re-start once government laws and guidelines permit.
"Snap outings" will be revived comprising of a short walk in a South Bucks or nearby locality for two hours on a Sunday morning; it is envisaged that this will be bi-monthly; no more than six people to take part.
Group visits for a day to localities in and around South Bucks comprising of no more than ten people.
There is a great hunger for learning more about post processing in various software including Adobe Creative Cloud, Elements, Lightroom, Skylum's Luminar, Affinity and Capture One.
It is envisaged that such 4 hour software workshops will be held in Winter at a local hall.
If you would like to be added to a mailing list to be informed of any such upcoming events please Contact Me.
Under no circumstances whatsoever will your email address and details be divulged to any third party.