An image speaks a thousand words; a Gallery is all about images and very few words.
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The above image gained a "Highly Commended" award within the Documentary section of the Societies of Photographers Monthly Competition, March 2021.
Cuba is an exciting and vibrant destination ideal for the practiced and observant travel and documentary photographer.
Cuba is equally appealing in black and white photography.
Woodland Landscapes.
London Street Photography is exciting, demanding and taxes your observation and photographic skills; there is no time to fiddle with your camera settings, you just have to know.
Delhi in India is a fantastic city for the documentary photographer who is prepared to leave his/her cherished Western values behind and is open minded; Delhi is guaranteed to open your mind.
The River Brahmaputra flows from the Himalayas to the Ganges at the Bay of Bengal; it is 3848km in length over ten times the length of the Thames. the Brahmaputra being the 15th longest river in the world causes massive floods in Assam when the Himalayan ice melts
These images convey something of the character of the river, its people and its wildlife.
This section depicts images from Czechoslovakia circa 1990 as it was then before the Velvet Divorce in January 1993 now known as Slovakia.
All images were take on film and scanned to produce digital files.
The pictures show men and women going about their daily lives in business and recreation in Bratislava which is perhaps the real essence of street photography anywhere in the world.
Street photography is a real moment in time never to be repeated.
The Age of Steam may be no more but the spirit of the old trains is being kept alive by many enthusiasts up and down the country.
Such historical railway centres are ideal hunting grounds for the photographer in search of historical aestheticism.
Close up and Macro Photography is a very exacting genre occasionally causing the most placid photographer to fly off in fits of rage and profanities.
However a calm approach is by the far the best way so as not to alarm the subject.
No insect or arachnid was harmed or moved from its habitat in order to take these pictures.
Street Photography UK.
You can treat your local zoo just like a nature reserve and try to capture the animals with your camera without any evidence of them being in a zoo or enclosure.
You may get creative with your subjects by for example turning them into black and white images.
The above is Aira Force near Ullswater in the Lake District.
All these images were taken whilst Fell Walking in the lake District.
Heritage images from the National Trust at Cliveden
If your wedding photographer isn't looking through the viewfinder of his/her camera then he/she is looking for images that will capture all the fun, excitement, emotions and above all memories of your day.
Please click on the above image to view a variety of wedding images.
For more wedding pictures please also visit: https://www.swpp.co.uk/improving_your_photography/Jones3443/
The link will open in a new window.
Supermarine Spitfire TE311 coming into land.
These are a selection of aircraft mostly historical but with some modern.
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Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal.
These are just a very few "street" images from the capital.
Still Life but not as generally recognised by many photographers; most would suggest that Still Life should be created; "must" is not a word that should ever be in photography; these still life studies have been obeserved; analysed and captured within a fleeting moment; most of these due to change are no more.
Heritage People is a tribute to all those wonderful men and women who are mainly volunteers who keep our heritage and history alive.
Queen Elizabeth II died 15.10 BST on the 8th September 2022 at Balmoral Castle.
Her eldest son the Prince of Wales immediately succeeded her as King Charles III.
King Charles and Queen Camilla’s coronation was at Westminster Abbey on the 6th May 2023.
These images record the people who camped out on the Mall on the 5th May in place to witness the Coronation precession.
Queen Elizabeth II died at 15.10 BST on the 8th September 2022 at Balmoral Castle.
The UK went into a period of mourning which lasted until the Queen’s funeral on the 19th September 2022.
During this time the public showed their love for the Queen by leaving flowers in St James’ Park.
There were no flowers permitted on the railings in front of Buckingham Palace however a single rose managed to sneak through and was missed.
Nuffield Place: an NT property home of the late Lord and Lady Nuffield.
Windsor Championship Dog Show is held annually in the grounds of Home Park, Windsor within easy sight of Windsor Castle.
It is a great hunting ground for the documentary photographer to explore the wonderful relationships between people and their dogs.
This is Ely Cathedral.
You don't have to be religious to appreciate the history, ambience and magnificence of historical churches and cathedrals.
Images from Turkey.
Action & Sport.
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The Zoo in Monochrome.
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Playing Boule in Honfleur, Normandie, France
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Nature in India.
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